Under Devil's Snare (Under Series Book 2) Read online

Page 9

  “Only if I can get something to eat.”

  Typical Panthera. The response was just the thing to bring a laugh to Jamison’s lips. “Deal.”

  Chapter Eight

  LEE COULDN’T HEAR anything over the noise of the helicopter rotors, but the view was breathtaking. Snow had yet to fall on Wolverine Summit. The air was so clean without the smog of civilization that Lee could see for miles, and the crisp breeze chilled her cheeks. Up so high, trees were noticeably absent. Boulders, crags, hearty scrub and mountain predators were the dominant occupants. At the moment, the animals had vacated the area, startled by the helicopter’s approach.

  She still felt bad for leaving Detective Seaver lurking behind the hangar, but not bad enough to miss this trip. Lee had felt Seaver’s presence since leaving the hospital, vindicating her assertion that she’d know if anyone tried to attack her. Yet, she couldn’t regret making her promise to Jamison. Allowing the young detective to follow her around was a small price to pay if it allowed Jamison to focus on finding a killer. After a few days, Lee expected Seaver to give up from sheer boredom.

  “I’ll set down over there.”

  She pressed the headset against her ear with one hand, trying to hear Dinah over the roar. Looking ahead to where the pilot pointed gave Lee more information than the few spoken words. Rather than attempt to respond, Lee nodded. She felt a small throb between her eyes from the persistent headache. Lee looked forward to this excursion, needing a break from all the stress of the last few days.

  The helicopter settled with a bump and Lee waited until the rotor blades stopped and the engine died before removing her harness. The thick tread on her hiking boots grabbed the top of a boulder jutting from the mountaintop as she stepped from the conveyance. Lee stepped away from the helicopter toward the edge of the summit, greedily taking in the view before closing her eyes to take a deep breath. After years of shooting scenes in some of the most remote locales, this was still her favorite thing to do. Drawing the clean air deeply into her lungs was always exhilarating.

  “Are you all right?” Dinah asked after a few minutes of respectful silence.

  Lee opened her eyes and met her concerned gaze. She offered a half-hearted smile. Even the beauty of the area couldn’t completely dispel her trepidation. “I’m fine.”

  “Uh huh, that’s why you haven’t said two words since I picked you up.”

  “I appreciate you taking a day off from flying tourists around the area, but it’s hard to engage in small talk inside the confines of a helicopter,” Lee prevaricated and turned away to retrieve her equipment.

  “Okay, I’ll let that go for now in the interest of family relations.”

  “Good, now tell me about Andy. How are things going with you two?”

  Lee thought the heavyset woman who liked to laugh couldn’t have been more opposite than Dinah, but couldn’t deny that they seemed like the perfect couple. Dinah accepted the bag of equipment Lee passed to her. Lee reached back into the helicopter for her tripod as she waited for a response.

  “Never better. Why do you ask?”

  Lee shrugged. “Just curious. You hardly mention her name anymore. I saw her the other day and she seemed upset about something.”

  Closing the door, Lee stepped back and looked at Dinah. She couldn’t quite describe the expression on her face, but it wasn’t one of unmitigated happiness. The sense of something not quite right she’d experienced after seeing Andy at the café a few days ago returned.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  Dinah’s gaze slipped away from her face and she looked everywhere but directly at Lee. “Nothing’s wrong.”

  “Now who’s not being truthful? Spill it.”

  “Seriously, Andy hasn’t done anything wrong. It’s me. I guess I’m just a little worried that things are getting too serious between us.”

  Slightly reassured, Lee started across the summit with Dinah beside her. “You mean you’re getting cold feet.”

  Lee didn’t feel it was her place to criticize anyone. Until she met Jamison, Lee had never known what it meant to truly love someone. She had experienced the fear of becoming too involved too quickly herself. All she could do was offer Dinah moral support and understanding. The lack of judgment in her tone must have been just what Dinah needed to feel comfortable enough to confide in her.

  “I think about her all the time and it’s a little scary.”

  Lee set the tripod near the edge of the north face. She didn’t look at Dinah while she worked. “You do know that you’ve been dating for over a year. If you still think about her all the time, maybe it was meant to be.”

  “Yeah, but what if it isn’t? I’ve dated other people before and thought it was the real thing. What if I’m wrong?”

  What if she was? Lee thought that was a very good question. She certainly didn’t consider herself an authority on the subject, just extremely fortunate to have found Jamison. Lee weighed her response while screwing the Nikon onto the tripod.

  “Dinah, I can’t tell you what to do, but before you do anything crazy like breaking things off I think you should consider the consequences.”

  “I didn’t say I was going to break up with her.”

  Dinah sounded a little defensive and Lee wondered if she’d misread the situation. “Sorry, you’re right. Butting out now.”

  Staring out over the canyon below, Lee searched for the perfect shot. She’d have to wait for the light to be just right and for that one moment that spoke to her. Photography was as much about patience as it was luck in capturing just the right image.

  “Let’s say I was thinking about breaking up with Andy, just for argument’s sake. What do you think I should do?”

  Lee suppressed her smile, relieved that she hadn’t offended Dinah. “I think you’re the only one who can answer that, but how are you going to feel if you do? Do you love her? You need to think about this, Dinah, because once you make that move there’s no going back.”

  Silence reigned on the mountaintop after that. Dinah seemed to need time to think and Lee lost herself in doing what she loved best. The sun moved steadily across the horizon and Lee managed a great shot of a bald eagle taking off from a nest on the opposite side of the canyon’s rim. When nothing else happened for a while, she took another camera from her bag and looked around for her companion. Dinah sat inside the helicopter with her eyes closed. Lee didn’t know if she was sleeping or merely relaxing, but she couldn’t resist snapping a couple of pictures.

  Hours passed and they shared a quiet lunch on the mountaintop. Lee wasn’t in any hurry to return to civilization and deal with insurance agents over the loss of her car. After lunch, Dinah returned to napping in the cockpit while Lee set up her Nikon with a zoom lens. She planned to scout the area away from the cliff in search of wildlife but she couldn’t tear the plastic zip tie holding the price tag on her new lens with her human fingers. She lacked the control Jamison had and couldn’t change just one part of her body so transforming her fingers into claws was out of the question. She needed something to cut the hard plastic.

  “Hey, loan me your pocketknife,” Lee said, standing outside the open helicopter door. Instead of jumping in surprise, Dinah reached into her pocket with her eyes closed.

  Lee cut the zip tie, folded the knife and held it out. “Here you go.”

  “Keep it.”

  Dinah folded her arms, clearly intent on a catnap so Lee stuffed the knife in her jean pocket and walked away. She’d return the blade once Dinah was fully awake. Cats didn’t like being interrupted while trying to sleep and Lee wasn’t about to press her luck. She set off on foot away from the cliff’s edge, but had only taken a dozen steps when she heard the helicopter radio sputter to life.

  “Skyhawk eight Charlie Papa, come in.”

  Lee frowned and started back to the chopper when she recognized Sheriff Samantha Macke’s voice. Somehow she knew this wasn’t good news. There was no reason for local law enforcement to contact a
civilian helicopter pilot unless someone was in trouble. Instantly, Lee thought of Jamison and the recent killings and her blood ran cold.

  Dinah met her eyes through the cockpit window, easily communicating her own dread as she sat up and reached for the mic. “Skyhawk eight Charlie Papa on the air. What can I do for you, Sheriff?”

  “Sorry to intrude on whatever you’re doing Ms. Kessler, but it seems we have a couple of missing kids. I’m calling in all the help I can get to find them.”

  Lee glanced toward the horizon at the setting sun. In the valley, it would already be dark.

  “Okay, do you need the helicopter or are you just putting together a search party?”

  Lee thought that a valid question. The Panthera had senses that would be useful in a ground search, but Lee couldn’t imagine the human sheriff being comfortable enough with shape changers to ask for that kind of help unless the situation was dire.

  “Rendezvous with us at my office. You’ll get all the information you need once you arrive.”

  “Understood, Kessler out.” Dinah looked at Lee through the safety shield. “Let’s go. I still need to drop you off before I meet with Macke.”

  “I’m going with you.” Lee settled into the passenger seat and snapped her harness in place, silently daring Dinah to refuse.

  “No way. Not a chance. Jamison would have my hide if I brought you with me.”

  “Are you afraid of her or something?”

  Dinah shot her an amused look. “As a matter of fact, yes.”

  The helicopter roared to life, preventing any further discussion.

  LINDSAY LOOKED OUT past the curtain when she heard the car horn blow. Her smile was automatic as she spotted Mira behind the wheel of her dad’s old Buick. Yanking open the front door, Lindsay stepped onto the porch. Across the street and directly behind the Buick, she couldn’t help but notice a battered, white panel van. It stood out because of the copious amount of rust that was probably all that held the vehicle together, and the fact that it stood parked directly under the streetlamp. No one occupied the driver’s seat and she easily ignored it.

  “Hey, I need to finish drying my hair. Come in for a minute.”

  Lindsay heard Mira sigh from a distance of thirty feet. “We’re going to miss the start of the movie.”

  “It’s only six thirty. The movie doesn’t start until eight. Besides, I thought we were going to get something to eat at the mall first.”

  “Fine,” Mira groused and got out of the car. “Have we even decided on a movie yet? I want to see a romantic comedy.”

  Mira shook her head and dark hair caught the artificial glow from the street lamp behind her. Lindsay felt breathless from the sight, but didn’t say anything. As her best friend, Mira wouldn’t be receptive to any signs of attraction. The fact that Mira had a crush on some boy motivated Lindsay to keep silent about her feelings.

  “I thought we were going to watch that new action thriller. Grab something to drink out of the fridge. I’ll be down in five minutes.”

  Lindsay turned and ran up the stairs to the bathroom. She heard Mira’s cell ring and knew the other girl would be on the phone the whole time it took her to finish getting ready. It was probably Dylan anyway. Lindsay grimaced in distaste and switched on the blow dryer. True to her word, it only took a few minutes to finish drying her hair. She borrowed a little of her mom’s perfume hoping to make an impression on Mira and ran back down the stairs. Mira closed the phone just as Lindsay snatched up a small purse and grabbed a jacket off the peg by the door. She let Mira close the door while she buttoned her coat.

  “I wish it wasn’t so dark already,” Mira said, following her to the car.

  “It’s winter time.” Lindsay didn’t care one way or the other. Her natural abilities allowed her to see fine in either condition.

  “Yeah, but it’s just that there aren’t any street lights between Harmon and Lake Placid on these little roads.” Mira started the Buick and pulled away from the curb.

  “Oh, you’re worried about driving in the dark. Can’t you see the road?”

  “Well, yeah, I’ve got the headlights. I’m just not used to it yet, that’s all.”

  “At least you have a car. My mom won’t let me have one yet.”

  Mira smiled and glanced at Lindsay sideways. “You’re only sixteen.”

  “Like you’re so much older. One year isn’t that big of a difference.”

  “You’re the lucky one,” Mira rejoined. “My parents wouldn’t let me go anywhere on my own when I was your age.”

  “What can I say? I’m very mature.”

  Mira didn’t respond. Lindsay watched the scenery out the passenger window and wondered why Mira had to act so stuck up sometimes. She really liked Mira, but she could be annoying. She decided to ignore it and just try to have fun.

  “Was that Dylan that called you earlier?”

  “Yeah.” Mira bounced a little in her seat. “His parents are going to let him have a keg for his twenty-first birthday. Isn’t that so cool?”

  “He’s too old for you,” Lindsay responded, not considering the question. “Why do you hang out with him anyway? What kind of loser still lives with their parents at his age?”

  “What’s the matter, jealous?” Mira teased.

  “No, of course not. Why would you say that?”

  “Because I have a boyfriend and you don’t.”

  Lindsay rolled her eyes and turned back to the scenery. “Whatever.” She was jealous, just not the way Mira thought. They weren’t even out of town yet and already fighting. Mira turned onto a dirt road that would lead to the highway and Lindsay spotted the warning sign for the railroad tracks.

  “Wow, it’s really dark over here.”

  “The streetlights are out. Why’d you come this way anyway?”

  “It’s a shortcut.”

  Mira slowed and drove over the railroad tracks but just as she crossed the top of the trestle, there was a loud bang and the Buick lurched to the right.

  Lindsay felt her heart jump. “What was that?”

  “Crap, I think we had a blowout.”

  She could hear the nervousness in Mira’s voice as she stopped in the middle of the road. “Are you going to stop right here? What if someone comes flying along and hits us?”

  “Would you relax,” Mira said. “No one comes out here anymore. Everyone likes to stay on the highway.”

  “Yeah, I can see why.”

  Mira tapped the steering wheel with a fingernail. “There has to be a spare in the back, right?”

  “I guess so. Do you know how to change a tire?”

  “How hard can it be? Come on, you can help me.” Mira took the keys from the ignition and climbed out of the car without waiting for an answer, leaving Lindsay no choice but to follow.

  When the trunk opened, Lindsay knew they weren’t going anywhere. “That’s great. Have you ever put air in that thing?”

  “It’s not my fault the tire’s flat,” Mira said sharply. “I’ve only had the car a few months.”

  Lindsay could see a large gash along the sidewall and doubted the tire would have even held air. On top of that, there wasn’t a jack in sight. She’d never changed a flat herself, but she’d seen her dad do it and had no doubt that they lacked the proper equipment. A prickling sensation along the back of her neck made her turn away from the trunk and look around. She didn’t see anything, but she had the feeling that they were no longer alone.

  “Um, why don’t you call your dad and see if he can come and get us,” Lindsay suggested.

  Mira perked up at the suggestion. “I could call Dylan. I bet he’d love to give us a ride.”

  “He’d love to give you a ride, maybe. That’s fine, I don’t really care who you call as long as it gets us out of here.”

  “You really are a little scaredy cat.”

  Lindsay flinched and clamped down on the urge to deny being a feline shape changer. Then she realized that Mira hadn’t a clue to the Panthera and w
as only teasing her again. Mira pulled out her cell and turned away to have a little privacy, Lindsay thought. Fat chance of that. Lindsay wasn’t about to slog off into the darkness just to give Mira a chance to exchange kissy noises with Dylan. She didn’t know for sure that someone lurked out in the weeds but she thought they did and that was enough. She wished she had Lee’s abilities and instincts, but Lindsay was only a teenager. The Kadin hadn’t even known about the Panthera a year ago, yet seemed to have an amount of control that Lindsay could only envy. Lee told her it would come with age and experience.

  “Damn, I don’t have any reception. Let’s walk over to the train station,” Mira suggested. “Maybe we’ll get a better signal.”

  Lindsay’s scalp prickled and she tried to scan all around as they moved toward the now-defunct transit station. She pushed aside weeds as tall as her thighs and tried not to run like a frightened rabbit every time she heard a noise. Lindsay gritted her teeth and wished she really had eyes in the back of her head. Not wanting to appear over-reactive or immature in front of her friend, Lindsay kept quiet. She tried to believe it was just the unusual situation that had her on edge.

  Still twenty yards from the station Lindsay asked, “Do you have a signal yet?” The screen lit up.

  “Two bars.”

  Distantly, Lindsay heard the phone ringing. A squeak from up ahead caused her to stumble over an uneven patch on the ground. At the same time she could have sworn she heard a brief metallic snick from somewhere behind. Lindsay grasped Mira by the upper arm and urged her to move faster. Mira shot her an irritated glance and pulled free.

  “It’s going to voicemail. Hey, Dylan, it’s Mira. Me and Lindsay have a flat tire out by the old train station. Call me when you get this message. Bye.”

  Lindsay approached the old station. In the darkness, the structure resembled a hulking beast with a gaping mouth that invited them to enter at their own peril. Lindsay was smart enough to know that her imagination supplied those helpful images. In reality, it was just a rundown wooden structure that had lost all hint of paint. Windows were smashed out long ago by vandals, and the door hung by a single rusty hinge. The hinge caused the squeak Lindsay heard earlier as the door blew in the evening breeze.